Project Sledgehammer: Peel Police Seize Firearms, Ammunition, and Drugs in Major Operation

    Peel Region, ON — In a significant crackdown on organized crime and gun violence, Peel Regional Police (PRP) announced the results of Project Sledgehammer on October 28. The operation led to the arrest of five individuals, with 160 firearm-related charges laid, and the seizure of 11 firearms, 900 rounds of ammunition, drugs, and other contraband.

    The coordinated effort by PRP has removed potentially fatal weapons and substances from the streets, marking a major victory for community safety in the region.

    “Through Project Sledgehammer, our officers have not only removed dangerous weapons but also prevented possibly fatal consequences for our community,” PRP stated. The operation’s success underscores the dedication of Peel Regional Police to combat illegal firearms and organized crime. Their outstanding investigative work and collaboration across units played a pivotal role in bringing these perpetrators to justice.

    The seized firearms and ammunition highlight the scale of illegal activity targeted in this operation. Alongside weapons, a significant quantity of drugs was confiscated, further disrupting criminal networks operating in Peel Region.

    The five arrested individuals face a combined 160 firearm-related charges, reflecting the severity of their alleged crimes. These charges send a strong message about the zero-tolerance stance on gun violence in the community.

    Peel Regional Police continue to prioritize public safety, focusing on proactive measures to curb illegal activity. Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious behavior or information regarding illegal firearms to authorities to aid in the collective effort to maintain a safe and secure region.

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